Custom Filters

Customer filters enable data viewing with sessions that meet specific criteria. When you apply or create a filter, you're reducing the dataset in the Heatmap, Sessions, and Metrics tabs to show only data from sessions that meet your desired criteria.

Quick Filters

Metalitix has several pre-made filters that allow you to view recent data. In an opened project, quick filters are located in the top-right corner. You can use quick filters to view all your project's data or solely from the last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

Custom Filters

Metalitix also allows you to create filters that match your specific criteria. In an opened project, the Filters dropdown is located in the top-right corner. Clicking this dropdown will show your existing filters and a button to create your own filter. You can apply a filter by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can edit or delete the filters using the icons to the right of its name.

For large projects (couple hundred short sessions or several 10+ minute sessions), you'll noticed a Queued or Processing label next to your filter name. Because of the size of your project, it will take 24 to 48 hours to calculate the results of your filter.

Creating a Filter

  1. Click the Create Filter Button from the dropdown. You will be presented with a prompt with a dropdown of filtering criteria categories. You can add a criteria by clicking on it.

  1. After adding a filter criteria, additional criteria settings are made available. These settings allow you to further narrow down sessions that contain values from these settings. You may choose to filter sessions that include a list of values or exclude a list of values.

The Include field checks if a session contains at least 1 value. The filter in the above image will grab sessions from "United States" or "Brazil." The Exclude field checks if a session does not contain any of the values. The filter in the above image will grab sessions that are neither from "France" nor "India."

  1. Once your criteria is configured, you can continue adding criteria using the searchable dropdown at the top.

Metalitix will filter data by checking if all criteria are met. So, if you create a filter where the geolocation criteria includes "United States" and the device criteria includes "Android," applying that filter will search for sessions that are from "United States" and from an "Android" device.

  1. Once you've applied all your criteria, you can name the filter and save it. For large projects (couple hundred short sessions or several 10+ minute sessions), it can take 24 to 48 hours to calculate the results of your filter. In the bottom right-hand corner a checkbox is made available in case you'd like to me emailed when your filter is made available.

Last updated